Website Disclaimer.
We have provided all information on this website in good faith and for general information about the nature of Arcata Fire District. We strive to ensure that all information presented here is complete, accurate and reliable, but we make no express warranty as such. Your use of this information, or any action you take upon the information on our website is at your own risk, and we are not liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of our website.
We do our best to make sure that all content presented here is our original work, or else work used with permission or credited. If you believe that we have failed to give appropriate credit for content, we would like to correct this; please notify us and we will take action immediately. If you would like to re-use or reference any content we have published here, we would be happy to discuss our terms of its use.
While we occasionally provide links to other websites or access to web-based services from our website, we strive to ensure the content is useful and ethical. We cannot control external content, nor do we endorse the content found outside of our website, but if you discover that we have linked to content that no longer exists, or which may have become compromised, we would appreciate you letting us know about it.
Thank you for visiting www.ArcataFire.org and helping us keep it useful and informative.