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Keep up to date with Measure F

>Measure F
>Press Releases
When will the third station open?

Unfortunately, re-opening the third station will not be as easy or as swift as we would all hope and the following are a few of the reasons.  

First, and most importantly, the District will not receive the funding from Measure F until January 2022.  Although the new tax was approved during 2020, the current fiscal year tax bills have already been processed and sent out to the property owners in our District.  This means that it could not be included this fiscal year and the District will have to endure one more budget cycle of tight revenues.  As reflected in the current budget, the Board has made cuts to operations and staffing to balance the budget.  

A second reason reopening the third station cannot be a quick process is related to staffing. Operationally, the District is currently short-staffed, and without enough firefighters to safely, or contractually, staff more engines, we cannot open the third station.  Presently, there is not enough money in the District reserve account to begin hiring new employees immediately.  As such, the process of hiring new employees is expected to begin around July 2021, at the beginning of our new fiscal year.  It is not as simple as hiring an entry-level firefighter, we have vacancies in all ranks/positions of the organization that will also need to be filled.  We will likely be conducting promotional exams concurrently with the recruitment of new firefighters.  In addition to the time it takes to advertise and interview potential candidates, all new employees must go through a background check, health exam, and a new hire academy.  This process can easily take six months to accomplish.  
During last week’s Board meeting, a follow-up question was posed about using overtime to cover the needed positions to reopen the station, as we work through the new employee hiring process.  Unfortunately, as mentioned above, we do not have enough current employees or reserve funds to accomplish this undertaking as a long-term solution.  However, the District’s Finance Committee will be reviewing the feasibility of utilizing overtime to open the station on an infrequent basis, depending on daily staffing levels.  

Finally, The District Board will be developing the Measure F “Citizens Review Committee.”  Once the parameters of the committee and selection process are settled, we will be looking for community members to participate in this oversight group.

Regular updates will be provided as new information becomes available. Please check our website and social media for these updates regarding our hiring process and any other information related to Measure F funding. 

How will the District Meet its Goals

The Goals are to: 


  • Restore 8 vacant firefighting positions that have been frozen due to budget cuts.

  • Re-opening the third fire station to ensure safe and rapid emergency, fire, and medical responses.

  • Ensure there are adequate dollars applied to the Vehicle Replacement Fund to address aging firefighting equipment as needed.

  • Replenish the emergency reserve funds that were spent over the past three budget cycles to maintain operations.

Year 1  Fiscal Year 21-22                  

  1. Hire and train five firefighters.                

  2. Re-open closed fire station after new firefighters are trained.                

  3. Set aside $200,000 for the equipment and vehicle replacement fund. 

 Year 2  Fiscal Year 22-23 

  1. Hire and train three firefighters.  This will fully restore all vacant positions.

  2. Replace a high mileage command vehicle.

  3. Set aside $200,000 for the equipment and vehicle replacement fund.

Year 3 Fiscal Year 23-24 

  1. Replace one high mileage fire engine.

  2. Set aside $200,000 for the equipment and vehicle replacement fund.

 Year 4  Fiscal Year 24-25

  1. Update outdated radio system.

  2. Set aside $200,000 for the equipment and vehicle replacement fund.

 Year 5  Fiscal Year 25-26

  1. Set aside $200,000 for the equipment and vehicle replacement fund.

Click here is see the projected 5-year budget


What will the new tax cost me in addition to what I already pay?
  • Vacant/Unimproved = $25 per year


  • Mobile Home in a Park = $75 per year


  • Single Family Residence = $98 per year


  • Rural Improved = $162 per year


  • Multi-Family Residential (2-4 units) = $269 per year


  • Multi-Family Residential (5-9 units) = $338 per year


  • Multi-Family Residential (10+ units) =  $405 per year

  • Commercial = $486 per year


  • Industrial = $810 per year

  • Retail over 10,000 sq feet = $850 per year

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